CATHIE CRAWFORD, Convergence, 2022, reduction woodcut with pochoir

Dimensions: 57 cm x 47 cm

Mother Earth, I have always been attracted to your water, seeking it out for its restorative powers. Water, the powerful life-giving force, is my source of replenishment, rejuvenation, and renewed energy. Thank you, dear Earth for your water.

The beauty of water and the ever-changing colors of the landscape have been a constant source of inspiration throughout my printmaking career. Recent work is a convergence of color, line, shape and texture in an ambiguous space with whispers of landscape. I am very worried about the impact of fossil fuels on the environment. The warming of our oceans will have a negative impact on all of us as well as future generations. I have been thinking a lot about climate change and our responsibility to the life of our planet the past two years. I can’t help but think Mother Earth is getting even, with this pandemic, for all of humanity’s abuses.

// United States //

Photo: Don Rosser | facebook