with Quinton Randall, Greta Cooper and Robbie Karmel
1pm - 4pm | Wednesday 19, 26 February, 5, 12, 19, 26 March 2025


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Over 6 weekly sessions you will be introduced to the processes of relief printing (linocut), screen printing on fabric and intaglio (etching) by Megalo staff in our state-of-the-art printmaking facility.

RELIEF PRINTING: The linocut print is made by cutting and chiselling the surface of lino to create light or white areas. Ink is applied using a roller to the surface of the block. Paper is laid onto the surface and printed through a press or by hand using a baren.

ETCHING: A type of intaglio printmaking. Lines and marks are acid etched into the surface of a zinc plate to create grooves that hold ink for printing. Ink is pushed into the grooves using tarlatan cloth then the surface of the plate is wiped clean with tissue. Dampened paper is laid onto the plate and run through a press at high pressure. The ink is transferred to the paper leaving a positive image.

SCREEN PRINTING: Using photographic stencils on a mesh screen, ink is passed through the stencil using a squeegee. The ink is finely layered onto the surface of fabric.

Suitability: This course is ideal for beginners
Materials: All materials provided. Your first session will be screen printing on fabric, please bring ideas for your image/design - you will receive information about the image requirements prior to the workshop.

- Non-members $600 (includes 12-month membership)
- Non-members Concession $580 (includes 12-month membership)
- Current members $530


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