Megalo Print Market + Wayzgoose Exhibition Opening
4-8pm, Friday 15 November

We are hosting a Print Market and exhibition opening!

Join the festivities in this bustling night market, where your art and creativity can find the spotlight in the holiday season.

The print market will be a festive celebration of the exhibition, as well as a wonderful opportunity to sell works on paper in a fun market environment and share your art with the local community. The Print Market is fully staffed and free to enter. Because this is a celebration of our members, we will sell your works with a reduced commission of only 20% for this event only. If you are not a member, join today or become a Friend of Megalo to enter your works in the market.

Unlike other markets, you can sell your work at Megalo without the pressure of managing a stall and zero sign-up fees. That means more of the sales go back to you while supporting Megalo to continue to run our programs and opportunities.

Simply sign up for updates and deliver your works wrapped and labelled to Megalo before Saturday 9th November.

This is an opportunity for all printmakers and artists to sell their work before the holiday season. Don’t miss your chance to be part of the Wayzgoose Print Market!  

Follow the link below for more details on the Print Market.

Print Market Information:

Entry and display
Members can enter any number of works on paper that have been clearly labelled and ready for sale.

Works will need to unframed and wrapped in packaging, in a plastic sleeve or displayed in a folio, labelled with the Artist Name, Work Title, Edition number and the sale price.

All artworks for sale through the Print Market should be delivered to Megalo by COB Wednesday 13 November.

Megalo will have a small number of folios for works and will do our best to display all artworks for the Print Market, however as we are a small gallery this may be subject to availability of space.

If you have any questions please get in touch - we are happy to help!

Don’t forget to add 20% Gallery Commission on to the sale price of your work!

Works should be unframed and ready for sale, either in product wrapping or for display in a print folio. All artworks must be provided with stickers or clear labels with artwork and price information to be eligible for sale through the Megalo Print Market.

Important Dates:

Saturday 2 November - Wednesday 13 November

Delivery of labelled artworks for Print Sale

Friday 15 November

4 - 8pm // Exhibition opening and Print Market

Tuesday 19 November- Saturday 30 November

Collection of unsold Print Market artworks from Megalo